ROBIN LINNECAR – a coach profile of Praesta International Ltd.Jeder Mensch verfügt über eine einzigartige Kombination aus Talenten und Fähigkeiten, die seine individuellen Stärken ausprägen. Das gilt natürlich besonders auch für Führungskräfte. In seiner mehr als 15-jährigen Erfahrung als Coach könnte Robin Linnecar Bände damit füllen, dass jede Beziehung zwischen Coach und Coachee einzigartig ist. Das stellt um so höhere Anforderungen an den Coach, an seinen Erfahrungsschatz, sein methodisches Repertoire, seine Menschenkenntnis. 1. What made you decide to become a coach?I always enjoyed being a member of a sports team whether in football, hockey and rugby. Playing in representative teams, I appreciated the inputs of the various coaches who worked with me and my teams. I have had an equal enjoyment in seeing team colleagues play to the summit of their skill. As a captain of several teams I enjoyed helping us all get the best out of our playing ability. When I went into business and over the last thirty five years, I have tried to help others better themselves and perform to the best of their ability. In 1992 I decided to combine my business expertise, interest in development and appreciation of the strength of a team, by becoming a business coach. This is now what I do full time. 2. Who has been the greatest influence in your business life?Sir Christopher Harding was chairman of British Nuclear Fuels (BNFL) and BET Group and had had a career in ICI and Hausan Group. I first met him when invited to his weekend session at BNFL to discuss the lack of senior women managers and directors in British Business. This was in 1990. He displayed a warmth and an engagement which was a winning formula. He had the ability to “walk with Kings yet keep the common touch”. He was effective as a chairman, knew his priorities and had an abundance of humility and self confidence combined. He was my mentor and the world is a lesser place without him, after his sudden and early death several years ago. 3. What was your most remarkable success in the past months?I have had the privilege of working with the leaders of the representative bodies in the coaching world. I was able to initiate a way of bringing these bodies together in the UK by drafting a Statement of Shared Values to which all could subscribe. This has provided the first step on the road to building a coaching profession and I am pleased to have been party to that. 4. The focus of our approach to coaching is leadership. What are typical challenges you see leaders confronted with and what are some strong trends you observe in leadership?Leaders, especially Chief Executives, have to perform at pace under pressure both of financial markets and media externally and their staff and stakeholders internally. Increasingly in an ever complex world, they have to learn to work through and with people. As a result, leadership is becoming more team based rather than “the heroic individual” model. Because CEO leaders are generally younger than thirty years ago, they want to live fast lives but also live life to all its fullness – this demands wisdom and judgement and self awareness and an acknowledgement that to still be learning from and with others is ok. Mentoring and Coaching is here to stay. 5. Three reasons why corporations may choose PIL?
Newsletter, 06.2008 » Editorial » Wozu Coaching für die Top-Führung? » Coaching als Katalysator für die Strategieumsetzung » Was ist für den Einsatz von Coaching in Unternehmen wichtig? » Portrait: Christiane Hotz-Firlus » ROBIN LINNECAR – a coach profile of Praesta International Ltd. » Download Newsletter als PDF » Anmeldung Praesta Newsletter |